APPLY NOW: Royal College of Arts RCA Scholarship UK

Royal College of Arts RCA Scholarship UK

The Royal College of Art (RCA) offers a range of scholarships to cover either all or part of your tuition. These scholarships are available to both UK and international students. This article will provide detailed information on what these scholarships offer, the eligibility criteria and the application process.

The Royal College of Art (RCA), located in London, is a premier institution dedicated to postgraduate education in art and design. Since its founding in 1837, the RCA has been offering master’s and doctoral programs across a variety of disciplines, including fine art, design, architecture, humanities and communication. The college features a distinguished faculty comprising practicing artists, designers and scholars, fostering a dynamic and interdisciplinary educational environment.

RCA’s robust industry connections ensure that students are well-prepared for successful careers.

RCA operates across multiple campuses in London, providing state-of-the-art facilities to support a wide array of creative practices. It hosts an international community of students and alumni from over 60 countries, creating a rich cultural atmosphere. The college’s research centers and initiatives tackle global challenges through art and design, merging tradition with innovation to shape the future of art and design education.

Degree Level for RCA Scholarships:

The RCA Scholarships 2024 in the UK are available for students pursuing master’s level programs at the Royal College of Art.

Available Subjects for RCA Scholarships:

The scholarships cover all subjects offered by the Royal College of Art.

Benefits of RCA Scholarships:

The RCA provides various scholarships to assist students in funding their studies. These scholarships can cover:

  • Full tuition fees and living expenses
  • Full tuition fees
  • Partial tuition fees
  • Contributions to living costs

While most scholarships are intended for UK (Home) students, there are also scholarships available for international students. The eligibility criteria and application procedures vary for each scholarship, so it is crucial to visit the RCA website for detailed information.

Eligible Nationalities for RCA Scholarships:

These scholarships are open to both domestic and international students of all nationalities.

Eligibility Criteria for RCA Scholarships:

Eligibility assessment involves several criteria, including:

  • Financial Background: Provide evidence such as scholarship confirmation, student loan documents or government benefits statements to demonstrate previous financial support or current financial hardship.
  • Disability: Submit medical reports or documentation detailing how your condition affects your daily life.
  • Refugee/Asylum Status: Include a copy of your Application Registration Card (ARC) or permission to stay documentation.
  • Care Experience: Provide social care or local authority documents to support your situation.
  • Caring Responsibilities: Submit documents like Child Benefit Letters or Tax Credits that confirm your responsibilities.
  • Career Change/Break: Provide a CV, resignation letter or reference to substantiate your career shift.

Even if you do not meet the listed criteria, you can still submit a brief statement (150 words) explaining why your circumstances warrant scholarship consideration.

Application Procedure for RCA Scholarships:

  • Rounds 1 and 2 Applicants:
    • Priority Eligibility Questions: Applicants must answer questions about their financial situation, disabilities, caring responsibilities and other factors that reflect financial need or disadvantage.
    • Personal Statement Questions: Applicants need to submit short statements (each 150 words) addressing their background, financial planning, expected benefits from the scholarship and future career aspirations.
  • Round 3 Applicants:
    While fewer scholarships may be available during Round 3, some may still be offered, primarily for specific programs or unique personal circumstances, with a focus on UK students. Updated details will be available starting June 2024.
  • Graduate Diploma and PhD Applicants:
    • Graduate Diploma Applicants: Information about scholarships for programs beginning in September 2024 will be released soon.
    • PhD Applicants: Those seeking funding for PhD studies should contact for information on Doctoral Training Grants and other available funding options.

Application Deadline:

Most scholarships offered by the RCA will open for applications in June 2024. For more details, visit the RCA Scholarships and Awards page on their website []


1. Who is eligible to apply for RCA scholarships?

Both UK and international students are eligible to apply for RCA scholarships. Specific eligibility criteria vary for each scholarship, including financial background, disability status, refugee/asylum status, care experience and caring responsibilities.

2. What types of scholarships does RCA offer?

RCA offers various scholarships that can cover full tuition fees and living expenses, full tuition fees, partial tuition fees and contributions to living costs.

3. What programs are covered by RCA scholarships?

RCA scholarships are available for students pursuing master’s level programs in all subjects offered at the Royal College of Art.

4. How do I apply for an RCA scholarship?

The application process involves answering priority eligibility questions about your financial situation and other relevant factors and submitting personal statements. Specific instructions and deadlines are available on the RCA website.

5. When is the application deadline for RCA scholarships?

Most RCA scholarships will open for applications in June 2024. Specific deadlines and further details will be provided on the RCA Scholarships and Awards page.

6. What documents are required for the application?

Applicants need to provide evidence of financial support or hardship, medical reports for disabilities, documentation for refugee/asylum status, social care documents for care experience and proof of caring responsibilities. Additional documents like a CV or resignation letter may be required for career change/break situations.

7. Can I apply for a scholarship if I do not meet the listed criteria?

Yes, if you do not meet the specific criteria, you can submit a brief statement (150 words) explaining why your circumstances warrant scholarship consideration.

8. Are there scholarships specifically for PhD students?

PhD applicants should contact for information on Doctoral Training Grants and other funding options. Details for PhD scholarships are typically provided separately.

9. Are there scholarships available for international students?

Yes, while most scholarships are for UK students, there are also scholarships available for international students. Check the RCA website for specific scholarships and eligibility criteria for international applicants.

10. What support does RCA offer besides financial assistance?

RCA provides a dynamic learning environment with distinguished faculty, state-of-the-art facilities and strong industry connections. The college supports a vibrant international community and offers resources through its research centers and initiatives to address global challenges through art and design.

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